Kathie's Blogs & Sites
I started my business as a homebased secretary in 1994 after 23 years in the corporate world supporting CEOs, MDs, Project Officers and other interesting people. Then the virtual world blended with the business world and I became a Virtual Assistant. Before I knew it I was mentoring and training others to do what I do.
Today I'm a VA coach, speaker, trainer, mentor, author, avid blogger and business owner. Not to mention mother of 5 (grown-up) daughters and wife to Graham. My life is varied and never boring!
Below are most of my blogs and some of my sites. These will give you some insight into my passions and what makes me tick. |
Technorati list - why not mark some of these as your favourites? And please let me know if you add one of my blogs to your blogroll - I would love to reciprocate on one of my blogs if of a complementary theme.
As an author I like to showcase my writing and I wanted to provide the same opportunity to my friends. This site is designed to showcase books and attract book reviews. Please do come by and visit.
Whilst seeking suitable speakers for business events at a church I attended, we found that there was no one place to go to find Christian Speakers in Australia. But there is now...
Co-incidence or God-incidence? Some things that happen in our lives can't happen by accident, they must surely have the involvement of our God.
Many women suffer from the 'Mary and Martha' syndrome - when to work, when to rest at the feet of Jesus. This blog will explore this syndrome.
Just some of Kathie's favourite photos that she wanted to share with others
Finding out about the Proverbs 31 Woman many years ago has always stayed with me. There have been times when I've wondered whether I'm a “Mary” or a “Martha” but I know my goal is, in fact, to be a Proverbs 31 Woman.
Small Office Home Office - all about operating a home based business

ShoutLife.com is a Christian community of bloggers, musicians, authors, church groups, etc.
Life with the Thomas Family in Melbourne, Australia

Are you running a training session, teleseminar or some other kind of event for the Virtual Assistant industry? Need to let others know the event is happening? Here you can promote your event for the Virtual Assistant industry here.
This site is multi-user friendly.

Blog for teaching about the virtual assistant industry - both to new VAs and to clients looking to use their services
I'd been reading Faith & Work: Do They Mix? by Os Hillman. Whilst reading it, I got the idea for this blog - and was surprised that this domain was waiting for me to purchase. I hope that it will also provide answers to your searches and prayers.
She is worth far more than rubies. What a description to live up to! And yet this is what the business woman and work at home mum is worth to her family. Women today crave to return home to care for their families and use their skills to contribute to the household income and yet so many feel it eludes them.
Sites |
VA Training and Coaching program ran over a 10 week period for virtual assistants.

What's on in Town?.com
In business networking is very important and I found there were often events I should have told others about. Developing this website was an ideal way to keep people informed. Been online since 2001.